How we yearn for life to be different. How we complain that it is drab! It is boring, pakao, same old and it will be so. Not because there aren't a million things to do but because we choose not to do it. We set a later date to do whatever. We don't even bother to observe the beauty of nature - the scenery right outside our window unless it is IN YOUR FACE.
Our times are different from the times of our parents. We prefer to meet online than in person (yes, a boon for friends overseas but not someone who is next door!)
So on a drab day like today, i was forced to wake up early by my father and accompany him at work. I happened to sleep really late last night and the night before last. Monday is definitely the most awful day of the week. I could have slept on but i promised dad and so, very very reluctantly i got up and got ready for WORK.
I spent most of the time in office getting BORED and Yawning with a few moments of stamping papers with a rubber stamp in between!
Then we set out for some work at a bank.We reached near the gate and i couldn't help but notice a serpentine queue for GOD alone knows what and i shuddered to think i might have to join them. As it is, i was sleepy and beginning to feel hungry (not a good place to be)
My dad walked straight into the bank and (phew!) i followed suit only to be directed out of the building into a line which was tiny than the one i got intimidated by in the first place.
The line was small but it was a bad place to stand. Right above our heads was a Air Conditioner duct from which water was dripping. The droplets were splashing all over wetting our faces and shirts and we stood there cringing. The window next to ours was empty but we couldn't switch lines as it was meant for something else. Just then a man with his seemingly 4 year old kid in tow came along. The kid had worn a bright yellow t shirt and black jeans just like me. He stood next to his dad. Then all of a sudden he noticed the drops of water falling. He rushed to the spot and started catching drops in his tiny hands with a smile. His joy knew no bounds and it was evident. I couldn't help but grin looking at him. Suddenly, his dad realised that his son wasn't in the place he was asked to stand and turned around to see. He immediately scolded the kid and asked him to stop playing with the dripping water. The kid seemed to obey but only for a few seconds and then he was back again, unmindful of what people around him might think.
Makes me realize how growing up affects us in good ways as well as bad. More bad than good if you ask me. Rules are meant to be followed. Tiny things don't give us pleasure always just because we choose to think it is too tiny to give us any joy.
Money matters more than anything.
Seeing the kid just made me realize - it is okay to do what i want even if i get yelled at. It is okay to stand below an AC duct and catch falling drops and be joyful and IT IS OKAY TO NOT CARE about silly things and do your own thing.
welcome to my blog
Hello ,
hope you are doing good .
It feels nice to know that you are taking some time out to read my blog .thanks
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Quest to be Different
If you have been one of those who has read my first blog post, you'd know that i always considered myself to be a little different and quirky than girls my age. I have always desired to be different. I am an agreeable and amicable person and tolerant as well but i want different things in life. My goals might not be in line with most people my age. I am also a perpetually confused soul but not so confused as to know what i don't want. What i don't want i am sure i DON'T want it at all but when it comes to being aware of what i want i am baffled.
God/Providence/Luck- (call it what you may) played a part and set me on a path which after taking i never looked back. Engineering in Printing and Packaging has been the single most and wisest decision of my life and i cherish it. I started with rosy dreams of being a Comps/ EXTC Engg just like any other engineering aspirant. Not so long ago, i wasnt aspiring to take up engineering at all. I hated the word "Engineering" it sounded so drab. It didn't make sense and i would have gladly taken up Medicine/ B.A./BSc and in fact i had taken up Bsc BUT as luck would have it, i got PPT and grabbed the opportunity well aware of the risk of venturing on an untrodden path.
Engineering is done, so to speak. I stand at cross roads in my life once again. Awaiting examination results and chilling when most friends have settled for a job and remaining are flying to foreign shores to pursue masters, i am just EXISTING.
Everyone does ultimately want a steady income and the only way to get that is a) work hard or b) work smart... At this point, i don't know if i want to study abroad next year or work for a while and then continue with post graduation. Even if i did settle for higher education, i am not sure about the course i'd like to take. There are a million things i want to learn. I just want to do so much (SO much on my mind and i wonder if i ll even be able to do 1/4th of the things) I WANT TO ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF MY LIFE.
After 20 years, i want to look back and cherish memories of having achieved all i wanted and hopefully something worthwhile, not having kids and then cribbing saying "If i .....then i would/could/might have/....."
I guess there is no real answer to how i am going to chart my life. The only way to find out is to live each day till i get there.
It probably isn't all about doing really weird or different things as much as maybe doing things differently. Only in that shall my quest to be a little bit "hatke" be accomplished.
Like Mr. Shiv Khera says
"Winners don't do different things,
...they do things differently!"
and the meaning of WINNING for each one varies. At the end of it all it still means a sense of fulfillment.
God/Providence/Luck- (call it what you may) played a part and set me on a path which after taking i never looked back. Engineering in Printing and Packaging has been the single most and wisest decision of my life and i cherish it. I started with rosy dreams of being a Comps/ EXTC Engg just like any other engineering aspirant. Not so long ago, i wasnt aspiring to take up engineering at all. I hated the word "Engineering" it sounded so drab. It didn't make sense and i would have gladly taken up Medicine/ B.A./BSc and in fact i had taken up Bsc BUT as luck would have it, i got PPT and grabbed the opportunity well aware of the risk of venturing on an untrodden path.
Engineering is done, so to speak. I stand at cross roads in my life once again. Awaiting examination results and chilling when most friends have settled for a job and remaining are flying to foreign shores to pursue masters, i am just EXISTING.
Everyone does ultimately want a steady income and the only way to get that is a) work hard or b) work smart... At this point, i don't know if i want to study abroad next year or work for a while and then continue with post graduation. Even if i did settle for higher education, i am not sure about the course i'd like to take. There are a million things i want to learn. I just want to do so much (SO much on my mind and i wonder if i ll even be able to do 1/4th of the things) I WANT TO ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF MY LIFE.
After 20 years, i want to look back and cherish memories of having achieved all i wanted and hopefully something worthwhile, not having kids and then cribbing saying "If i .....then i would/could/might have/....."
I guess there is no real answer to how i am going to chart my life. The only way to find out is to live each day till i get there.
It probably isn't all about doing really weird or different things as much as maybe doing things differently. Only in that shall my quest to be a little bit "hatke" be accomplished.
Like Mr. Shiv Khera says
"Winners don't do different things,
...they do things differently!"
and the meaning of WINNING for each one varies. At the end of it all it still means a sense of fulfillment.
cross roads,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Really Pointless Post - In the Loo
Read only if you have nothing better to do.
In my house I have rooms that I like more than others. For ex: my living room. Why??? As it has the most important gadgets like the TV and my PC. My room is another place I favour but only for sleep and study purposes. Now that I am on vacation the study bit is eliminated. So, I hardly spend time in my room except at night.
That leaves the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. I don’t really venture into the kitchen, I leave that to mom. Bathroom, yea, well, whatever. The most important according to me is my “LOO”. I love my loo. Yes, you read that right.
It is definitely my most imp place in my home and not only because it is a need. If you are one of those people who spends more than just a few seconds in the toilet you will (maybe, I presume) know/ understand what I mean. Just to make it clear, I am not one of those who stacks Playboy/ Archies/ the daily newspaper in there, so I don’t spend hours in there either.
Of course, a pre requisite to spending a little more than usual amount of time in there is that it should be really clean and shouldn’t give off offensive odours. :P
My loo is well maintained and mom is the one responsible for keeping it so spick and span though dad and I help maintain it that way. None of us in my family are a fan of wet loos.
It doesn’t stink.
In fact it doesn’t smell anything at all unless you just pooped, then you’ll know that the room freshener is at hand too. It is not like I spend an insane amount of time there but whatever little I do, I learn a lot. No, I don’t stare at my $h**.
I oft times think. I actually think in there. It is such a quiet place after all and no one disturbs you unless they are in an emergency situation and need to get in before you get out leisurely.
1. No smell 2. No sound
Not exactly complete silence. If you are having gastronomic issues you sure might rumble – A LOT.
Perfect place to meditate… LOL
It is pretty much like Archimedes, you know, the whole public bath and screaming “EUREKA” while running naked on the streets. He probably would know exactly how I feel. I share his sentiment.
It is like as though I get enlightened or as if I get some sort of weird revelation or a brainwave.
It is quite a place to de-clutter (Not just the stomach but your mind also.) is a double whammy.
Think of it as a chair with a hole and it won’t be so bad. You don’t need to go up a mountain to find solitude. Just like it is for me, it might work for you too in the Loo.
They say if you have a problem sleep over it or sit on it, I‘d say Shit over it.
In my house I have rooms that I like more than others. For ex: my living room. Why??? As it has the most important gadgets like the TV and my PC. My room is another place I favour but only for sleep and study purposes. Now that I am on vacation the study bit is eliminated. So, I hardly spend time in my room except at night.
That leaves the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. I don’t really venture into the kitchen, I leave that to mom. Bathroom, yea, well, whatever. The most important according to me is my “LOO”. I love my loo. Yes, you read that right.
It is definitely my most imp place in my home and not only because it is a need. If you are one of those people who spends more than just a few seconds in the toilet you will (maybe, I presume) know/ understand what I mean. Just to make it clear, I am not one of those who stacks Playboy/ Archies/ the daily newspaper in there, so I don’t spend hours in there either.
Of course, a pre requisite to spending a little more than usual amount of time in there is that it should be really clean and shouldn’t give off offensive odours. :P
My loo is well maintained and mom is the one responsible for keeping it so spick and span though dad and I help maintain it that way. None of us in my family are a fan of wet loos.
It doesn’t stink.
In fact it doesn’t smell anything at all unless you just pooped, then you’ll know that the room freshener is at hand too. It is not like I spend an insane amount of time there but whatever little I do, I learn a lot. No, I don’t stare at my $h**.
I oft times think. I actually think in there. It is such a quiet place after all and no one disturbs you unless they are in an emergency situation and need to get in before you get out leisurely.
1. No smell 2. No sound
Not exactly complete silence. If you are having gastronomic issues you sure might rumble – A LOT.
Perfect place to meditate… LOL
It is pretty much like Archimedes, you know, the whole public bath and screaming “EUREKA” while running naked on the streets. He probably would know exactly how I feel. I share his sentiment.
It is like as though I get enlightened or as if I get some sort of weird revelation or a brainwave.
It is quite a place to de-clutter (Not just the stomach but your mind also.) is a double whammy.
Think of it as a chair with a hole and it won’t be so bad. You don’t need to go up a mountain to find solitude. Just like it is for me, it might work for you too in the Loo.
They say if you have a problem sleep over it or sit on it, I‘d say Shit over it.
Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm not going to explain it to the world,
I'm pretty sure they won't understand,
All of this wasn't part of my plan
But, Shit happens.
Shit happens when you least expect it
and before you manage to resurrect yourself
the world has dissected you.
They bisect your life and think
they've figured you all out
but don't they know - it's not for 'em to do so!
So, everyone everywhere come on all out
throw your crap at me.
Dump all you want at me,
There's a limit i can take and I Will;
just so you feel satisfied;
but when you cross that limit-
Don't expect to be let off easy,
I'm not doing this to please me.
You didn't - in my shoes walk,
and so you have no right to talk,
I tried my best but it didn't work,
My responsibility I didn't shirk.
I'm the captain of this ship,
If it sinks - I go down with it.
At the end of it all
I'd like to say
Hey, what YOU think doesn't matter
cause yours is not FINAL JUDGEMENT!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
The last semester before graduation is one wherein students are either nostalgic or very very happy to leave their abode - College.
Engineering does change you in more ways than one can imagine. I once had a discussion with one senior (who is a friend) regarding exactly this!
He wisely said to me,"There are 3 things one starts doing exclusively after joining an Engineering College:
1.You begin to drink lots of coffee/tea.
2.You start swearing unnecessarily. Every sentence is sprinkled with at least a few cuss words. The F word being the favourite.
3.You either start smoking or drinking.
The combination of all three or any two of the three or even anyone maybe true, as might be your case."
I listened intently to what he said and i realized this might actually be true in a girl's case but definitely true in case you are a guy.
4 years in one college may garner the following reactions
The past 4 years made me realise THE FOLLOWING:
1. Don't take anything at FACE VALUE.
a) The people you think are weird might actually end up being your best friends by the time college ends. So, don't write anyone off.
b)People who look friendly might actually be the ones causing you more harm than good.
2. Respect your Seniors - if they are worth it.
You might actually get some pretty good advice from them regarding matters of college and also about life in general. Plus, you might become a pal to them and they might like to hang out with you OR better still call you when they JUST HANG OUT.
3. Be friendly to your juniors.
Now this one is a double edge sword because:
a) You never know what you actually mean to them. Some might consider you the older sibling they never had and some just look up to you because you are a SENIOR.
b)If your juniors disrespect you for no reason, don't think twice before SCREWING their ASS. It is you they will most definitely turn to if they are in trouble in legal issues of college. Thence, let them know their boundaries and make sure they don't cross it. That doesn't mean you abuse them but just make sure they realize it.
4. Be good to your teachers even if they are not.
They are the ones who teach you, someday it might dawn on them that they have no reason to hate you and might warm up to you.
That apart, if the teacher is like a few years elder to you then you might not really be in a Student Teacher relation (even though you are) but more like buddies.
Also, don't forget your TERM WORK LIES IN THEIR HANDS and if you are good to them they actually might help you out.
5. Do silly things-Don't take everything too seriously because in retrospect you might actually have something to remember.
6.Be close to your friends, don't ditch them EVEN IF YOU HAVE A GIRL FRIEND/BOY FRIEND cause when you BREAK UP they will be the people you run to.
7.Enjoy every moment including Frustrating Submissions and Vivas that make you a nervous wreck.
8. Take time to socialize.
9.Participate in college activities wholeheartedly and take part in events. Not necessarily you are the best but at least try. You might discover a hidden talent and it is here you learn more than what you do in lecture.
10.Break rules once in a while. Mass bunk classes. Even if it means you ll just go home after that. Supporting your class in such things is fun and if you do get caught- you won't die alone for sure.Besides, if you break stuff you will actually know where the miscellaneous fees will be put to use.
It is all these put together that make your life in an engineering college memorable.
I am in the final semester in my course in an Engineering college and i am sure going to miss each and everything about this SAD college of mine.
Will miss the people - nice ones, the mean ones, the bitchy ones, the shitty ones because it has taken one of every kind to make this BORING life of mine SLIGHTLY MORE INTERESTING.
Engineering does change you in more ways than one can imagine. I once had a discussion with one senior (who is a friend) regarding exactly this!
He wisely said to me,"There are 3 things one starts doing exclusively after joining an Engineering College:
1.You begin to drink lots of coffee/tea.
2.You start swearing unnecessarily. Every sentence is sprinkled with at least a few cuss words. The F word being the favourite.
3.You either start smoking or drinking.
The combination of all three or any two of the three or even anyone maybe true, as might be your case."
I listened intently to what he said and i realized this might actually be true in a girl's case but definitely true in case you are a guy.
4 years in one college may garner the following reactions
The past 4 years made me realise THE FOLLOWING:
1. Don't take anything at FACE VALUE.
a) The people you think are weird might actually end up being your best friends by the time college ends. So, don't write anyone off.
b)People who look friendly might actually be the ones causing you more harm than good.
2. Respect your Seniors - if they are worth it.
You might actually get some pretty good advice from them regarding matters of college and also about life in general. Plus, you might become a pal to them and they might like to hang out with you OR better still call you when they JUST HANG OUT.
3. Be friendly to your juniors.
Now this one is a double edge sword because:
a) You never know what you actually mean to them. Some might consider you the older sibling they never had and some just look up to you because you are a SENIOR.
b)If your juniors disrespect you for no reason, don't think twice before SCREWING their ASS. It is you they will most definitely turn to if they are in trouble in legal issues of college. Thence, let them know their boundaries and make sure they don't cross it. That doesn't mean you abuse them but just make sure they realize it.
4. Be good to your teachers even if they are not.
They are the ones who teach you, someday it might dawn on them that they have no reason to hate you and might warm up to you.
That apart, if the teacher is like a few years elder to you then you might not really be in a Student Teacher relation (even though you are) but more like buddies.
Also, don't forget your TERM WORK LIES IN THEIR HANDS and if you are good to them they actually might help you out.
5. Do silly things-Don't take everything too seriously because in retrospect you might actually have something to remember.
6.Be close to your friends, don't ditch them EVEN IF YOU HAVE A GIRL FRIEND/BOY FRIEND cause when you BREAK UP they will be the people you run to.
7.Enjoy every moment including Frustrating Submissions and Vivas that make you a nervous wreck.
8. Take time to socialize.
9.Participate in college activities wholeheartedly and take part in events. Not necessarily you are the best but at least try. You might discover a hidden talent and it is here you learn more than what you do in lecture.
10.Break rules once in a while. Mass bunk classes. Even if it means you ll just go home after that. Supporting your class in such things is fun and if you do get caught- you won't die alone for sure.Besides, if you break stuff you will actually know where the miscellaneous fees will be put to use.
It is all these put together that make your life in an engineering college memorable.
I am in the final semester in my course in an Engineering college and i am sure going to miss each and everything about this SAD college of mine.
Will miss the people - nice ones, the mean ones, the bitchy ones, the shitty ones because it has taken one of every kind to make this BORING life of mine SLIGHTLY MORE INTERESTING.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I came up with this piece last night, 30th MARCH 2010 at 02:00am -02:07am...
I can't promise you the sun, moon and stars,
but i promise to sit & listen to you for hours.
When there is trouble,
and life has burst your bubble,
Look around and you will find,
Someone there to ease your mind.
There are times when we agree on naught,
and there are times when we have fought,
But that doesn't mean i' ll go away,
It just means i am here to stay;
Because every relationship Big and small
Has disagreements strong and tall,
It is only when you over come these,
That you feel you are at peace.
Life isn't always flowers and bees
And neither is it wine and cheese.
It may be topsy, it may be turvy
The road ahead may seem downright curvy.
That's when you have to just look-
At the most familiar but forgotten nook.
That place lies in your heart,
Know, my dear, we will never be apart.
Just give me a shout, when you're down and out
and we shall have it solved- Without DOUBT!
I can't promise you the sun, moon and stars,
but i promise to sit & listen to you for hours.
When there is trouble,
and life has burst your bubble,
Look around and you will find,
Someone there to ease your mind.
There are times when we agree on naught,
and there are times when we have fought,
But that doesn't mean i' ll go away,
It just means i am here to stay;
Because every relationship Big and small
Has disagreements strong and tall,
It is only when you over come these,
That you feel you are at peace.
Life isn't always flowers and bees
And neither is it wine and cheese.
It may be topsy, it may be turvy
The road ahead may seem downright curvy.
That's when you have to just look-
At the most familiar but forgotten nook.
That place lies in your heart,
Know, my dear, we will never be apart.
Just give me a shout, when you're down and out
and we shall have it solved- Without DOUBT!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sacred Heart ke baache, akal ke kacche, dil ke sacche decide to have a reunion. Shaunak, my great friend the warrior decides to take it upon himself to get things done. Then starts the umpteen number of facebook messages to decide the date. This happens after innumerable number of cancellations and postponing.
Finally the date was set for 27th of MARCH, right before some log ka egg-jam and right in between some others ka exam! Then starts round 2 of the planning; the most important factor: THE VENUE.
This part was the most hilarious, time consuming and irritating job to do. By now dear Shaunak was exhausted and decided to take a breather. So the rest of the people jumped in and by this i specially mean NEERAJ, who has been INVISIBLE for long. Hell, he didnt even meet us on any of our birthdays and didn't on his on birthday too(which was btw a month ago)People meet a week before to collect money and stuff, the worst being people enquiring a great deal and not turning up.(fume)
Two nights before the actual REUNION the venue is decide RAINFOREST after(DAYS INN, MOTIMAHAL DELUX, INDULGE, SHAUNAK'S khali flat, SCHOOL itself and probably more places i am not aware of.)
ENTER RAINFOREST LOUNGE: Cute little theme lounge bar-restaurant place with jhaadis ugofying everywhere. The lights made us look NEON.All those people who wore white just lit up and that includes someone's banyan too. Hehehe.
Loads of dancing, hardly any catching up because of the AWESOMELY loud music. DJ was ok played some really really amazing tracks and repeated many (to my dismay) but he gave free shots on the house so that was fun :p
I learnt dancing from my dear friend Abhishek and i made Sid dance(achievement). AShmita and Ali are fun as usual.
Met many many old classmates, people who go way back
Met loads of people MIRALI, SAILI,VIDHI, NATASHA,VARUN,UMESH, AKSHAY,VISHAL1 AND 2,AMRIK,JAVED,SULAIMAN,SUDHIRA,SNEHA,KAUSHIK,ZOHEB, and many more, it isn't possible for me to post each and every name for the fear of forgetting someone.
HAD DINNER and waited for dear Neeraj to get Sid's car back. We got late in the bargain but that was one way of getting to have fun past our deadline.
I had a blast! I drank two shots and my really close group called me talli :p and i m still in my senses, See m writing also.
Sid, ass and me left together. The stupid gate of my building, one of which was stuck and the other locked left me really tugging on the one that could have been opened had it not been stuck so bad. So i decided to climb the wall.
I CLIMBED, i jumped and i entered. Reached home and to my luck mom and dad didn't yell at me for reaching at 00:45 am. :) :)
So that was an adventures reunion party. I haven't described it in great detail because i am a little exhausted with the dancing and it is 2:21am right now.
Goodnight people. Will miss my CLASS '04 always!
Finally the date was set for 27th of MARCH, right before some log ka egg-jam and right in between some others ka exam! Then starts round 2 of the planning; the most important factor: THE VENUE.
This part was the most hilarious, time consuming and irritating job to do. By now dear Shaunak was exhausted and decided to take a breather. So the rest of the people jumped in and by this i specially mean NEERAJ, who has been INVISIBLE for long. Hell, he didnt even meet us on any of our birthdays and didn't on his on birthday too(which was btw a month ago)People meet a week before to collect money and stuff, the worst being people enquiring a great deal and not turning up.(fume)
Two nights before the actual REUNION the venue is decide RAINFOREST after(DAYS INN, MOTIMAHAL DELUX, INDULGE, SHAUNAK'S khali flat, SCHOOL itself and probably more places i am not aware of.)
ENTER RAINFOREST LOUNGE: Cute little theme lounge bar-restaurant place with jhaadis ugofying everywhere. The lights made us look NEON.All those people who wore white just lit up and that includes someone's banyan too. Hehehe.
Loads of dancing, hardly any catching up because of the AWESOMELY loud music. DJ was ok played some really really amazing tracks and repeated many (to my dismay) but he gave free shots on the house so that was fun :p
I learnt dancing from my dear friend Abhishek and i made Sid dance(achievement). AShmita and Ali are fun as usual.
Met many many old classmates, people who go way back
Met loads of people MIRALI, SAILI,VIDHI, NATASHA,VARUN,UMESH, AKSHAY,VISHAL1 AND 2,AMRIK,JAVED,SULAIMAN,SUDHIRA,SNEHA,KAUSHIK,ZOHEB, and many more, it isn't possible for me to post each and every name for the fear of forgetting someone.
HAD DINNER and waited for dear Neeraj to get Sid's car back. We got late in the bargain but that was one way of getting to have fun past our deadline.
I had a blast! I drank two shots and my really close group called me talli :p and i m still in my senses, See m writing also.
Sid, ass and me left together. The stupid gate of my building, one of which was stuck and the other locked left me really tugging on the one that could have been opened had it not been stuck so bad. So i decided to climb the wall.
I CLIMBED, i jumped and i entered. Reached home and to my luck mom and dad didn't yell at me for reaching at 00:45 am. :) :)
So that was an adventures reunion party. I haven't described it in great detail because i am a little exhausted with the dancing and it is 2:21am right now.
Goodnight people. Will miss my CLASS '04 always!
My cycle had been lying untouched for long now. The duration of long is actually defined by some 3 years at least. The reason i even paid attention and got it repaired is because my dad wanted to take it to his work place and give it to the workers to use.
After it was repaired, i decided it was high time for me to start getting up early. The cycle was a motivating factor for me to get up.So, i kept the alarm at night and went to sleep. Next day morning when the alarm rang, i got up and set out for my morning cycle ride after ages.
I turned the key of the lock and instantly felt the rush of blood in my fingers. I sat on the seat and set foot on the pedal, it was heavenly. I instantly remembered the days when my neighbours and i used to go for bike rides early in the morning during our annual summer vacation.
Mid way through the whole morning biking exercise i made some interesting observations:
1.People actually find it weird to see a grown up 20 year old girl (though i don't look it)riding a bicycle in this day and age.
2.For the guys: You should get up early too for your own vested interest.All those of you who want girlfriends at least should. Or the guys who say they appreciate beauty :p. I saw many good looking girls (read:BABES :p :p) leaving for work in the morning.The early birds only will be able to catch the worm. No, kidding guys.
3.All sorts of Mandali people really have no work.
4. There is no timing for bad drivers on the road. They are there 24*7*365 and all you can do is BE CAREFUL!
5.A bicycle without a BELL is like a black and white TV, it loses its
charm. ( I miss doing the TRING TRING routine :( )
All in all the ride was fun.I felt energetic when i returned home and
convinced my dad not to give my bike away JUST YET.
After it was repaired, i decided it was high time for me to start getting up early. The cycle was a motivating factor for me to get up.So, i kept the alarm at night and went to sleep. Next day morning when the alarm rang, i got up and set out for my morning cycle ride after ages.
I turned the key of the lock and instantly felt the rush of blood in my fingers. I sat on the seat and set foot on the pedal, it was heavenly. I instantly remembered the days when my neighbours and i used to go for bike rides early in the morning during our annual summer vacation.
Mid way through the whole morning biking exercise i made some interesting observations:
1.People actually find it weird to see a grown up 20 year old girl (though i don't look it)riding a bicycle in this day and age.
2.For the guys: You should get up early too for your own vested interest.All those of you who want girlfriends at least should. Or the guys who say they appreciate beauty :p. I saw many good looking girls (read:BABES :p :p) leaving for work in the morning.The early birds only will be able to catch the worm. No, kidding guys.
3.All sorts of Mandali people really have no work.
4. There is no timing for bad drivers on the road. They are there 24*7*365 and all you can do is BE CAREFUL!
5.A bicycle without a BELL is like a black and white TV, it loses its
charm. ( I miss doing the TRING TRING routine :( )
All in all the ride was fun.I felt energetic when i returned home and
convinced my dad not to give my bike away JUST YET.
Monday, March 1, 2010
DOB: 10TH AUG 1989
Species: Shockingly he is also Homo Sapien.
Looks: Australopithecus
INTERESTS: DISSECTING EVERYTHING on the face of this earth, Ignoring people,
Whining, Making strange faces.
AIM IN LIFE: To do things that makes him happy.
How to make him happy: Ego massage and mollycoddle. FLATTERY WORKS WELL.
PLACES TO TAKE HIM ALONG: The beach, any beach.
HABITAT: Most of the time lives in the Virtual world.
Is most comfortable with Internet. So much so that he can marry his PC.
Interaction with Humans: Minimal unless assisted by the internet and set in virtual space.
MY OPINION: Do not go near unless you mean no harm and are ready to face myriad questions on random bakwass.
RATING: 4/5 because no one is perfect.
Writing about someone you know is easy but writing about someone you don’t really know at all is a challenge. It is more like writing an assignment when you don’t know the basics of a subject. So what do you do?? You obviously Google the topic up, copy from books and if you don’t want to go through the trouble you’d just wait for someone else to write.
In this case my only cheats are his profiles,his blog and he himself. The man hasn’t been of any substantial help so to say. Chatting online just once doesn’t really help a lot you know.
So here goes, My understanding of RISHI.
It was extremely rude of him to have ignored me when I was right there in the canteen once but that’s ok I have come to terms with it. That apart he is an unconventional guy, a guy unlike most I have known in a good way. (Ok, I know his ego chart is expanding exponentially)Of what I have gathered in one and a half day, even though we come from diametrically opposite sun signs there are still things which make us look at situations in life from the same perspective.
From what he describes himself to be, I see a lot of determination. He detests following routines just for the sake of it. A fun person to talk to if you can look beyond your own views. For me it seems natural because we do tend to think in a similar fashion. Extremely good “conversationist”.
I agree he has done his diploma and then joined SIES GST. I do have friends and acquaintances in your class Rishi but I fail to understand how I completely missed out knowing you. I m sure it would have been fun knowing you much before the final semester of engineering.
He loves being mysterious and maybe that’s why he had been hiding all along. (haha) As advocates of Google Talk and haters of Facebook chat, I do really hope we keep in touch long after college ends and new chapters in our life begin.
I also hope you do well with your plans in life (wink wink) and don’t forget to call me to pitch in.
All in all a very interesting Sindhi Papad who deserves a tight Jhapad for Nothing :p(uggh that was bad but the poet in me wanted to show up) A really nice person to know if you like talking random things, analyzing stuff and generally ranting.
One of the very very few intriguing creatures in a ZOO called SIES GST.
I rest my case.
(Pheww, that was tough.)
DOB: 10TH AUG 1989
Species: Shockingly he is also Homo Sapien.
Looks: Australopithecus
INTERESTS: DISSECTING EVERYTHING on the face of this earth, Ignoring people,
Whining, Making strange faces.
AIM IN LIFE: To do things that makes him happy.
How to make him happy: Ego massage and mollycoddle. FLATTERY WORKS WELL.
PLACES TO TAKE HIM ALONG: The beach, any beach.
HABITAT: Most of the time lives in the Virtual world.
Is most comfortable with Internet. So much so that he can marry his PC.
Interaction with Humans: Minimal unless assisted by the internet and set in virtual space.
MY OPINION: Do not go near unless you mean no harm and are ready to face myriad questions on random bakwass.
RATING: 4/5 because no one is perfect.
Writing about someone you know is easy but writing about someone you don’t really know at all is a challenge. It is more like writing an assignment when you don’t know the basics of a subject. So what do you do?? You obviously Google the topic up, copy from books and if you don’t want to go through the trouble you’d just wait for someone else to write.
In this case my only cheats are his profiles,his blog and he himself. The man hasn’t been of any substantial help so to say. Chatting online just once doesn’t really help a lot you know.
So here goes, My understanding of RISHI.
It was extremely rude of him to have ignored me when I was right there in the canteen once but that’s ok I have come to terms with it. That apart he is an unconventional guy, a guy unlike most I have known in a good way. (Ok, I know his ego chart is expanding exponentially)Of what I have gathered in one and a half day, even though we come from diametrically opposite sun signs there are still things which make us look at situations in life from the same perspective.
From what he describes himself to be, I see a lot of determination. He detests following routines just for the sake of it. A fun person to talk to if you can look beyond your own views. For me it seems natural because we do tend to think in a similar fashion. Extremely good “conversationist”.
I agree he has done his diploma and then joined SIES GST. I do have friends and acquaintances in your class Rishi but I fail to understand how I completely missed out knowing you. I m sure it would have been fun knowing you much before the final semester of engineering.
He loves being mysterious and maybe that’s why he had been hiding all along. (haha) As advocates of Google Talk and haters of Facebook chat, I do really hope we keep in touch long after college ends and new chapters in our life begin.
I also hope you do well with your plans in life (wink wink) and don’t forget to call me to pitch in.
All in all a very interesting Sindhi Papad who deserves a tight Jhapad for Nothing :p(uggh that was bad but the poet in me wanted to show up) A really nice person to know if you like talking random things, analyzing stuff and generally ranting.
One of the very very few intriguing creatures in a ZOO called SIES GST.
I rest my case.
(Pheww, that was tough.)
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