I'm not going to explain it to the world,
I'm pretty sure they won't understand,
All of this wasn't part of my plan
But, Shit happens.
Shit happens when you least expect it
and before you manage to resurrect yourself
the world has dissected you.
They bisect your life and think
they've figured you all out
but don't they know - it's not for 'em to do so!
So, everyone everywhere come on all out
throw your crap at me.
Dump all you want at me,
There's a limit i can take and I Will;
just so you feel satisfied;
but when you cross that limit-
Don't expect to be let off easy,
I'm not doing this to please me.
You didn't - in my shoes walk,
and so you have no right to talk,
I tried my best but it didn't work,
My responsibility I didn't shirk.
I'm the captain of this ship,
If it sinks - I go down with it.
At the end of it all
I'd like to say
Hey, what YOU think doesn't matter
cause yours is not FINAL JUDGEMENT!!!