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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I AM DIFFERENT ,oh yes , i really am ,trust me !! Different than most other girls my age . When they are busy matching accessories to clothes and right shade of lipstick to their shoes , I , am busy on my own trip.

I have made my choices in life and some pretty tough ones . I always detest being like anyone else on the face of this earth. I am different only because i choose to be that way. I realized this when i went ahead and took admission for a course no one had even heard of .The fact of the matter is that it is a new course and not everyone is ready to risk their career for the sake of individuality . SECURITY and MONEY are the things that people look for in a potential career option.

I m not just mere flesh and blood. I m more of soul , the spirit of the person is more important to me than the brand he/she sports or the mascara she wears or the deo he sprays. Some people cant digest my attitude but i like being this way. My being this way has gotten me into trouble at times .I have been snubbed at by people .I dont say that the choices i have made were always right . Life is about making mistakes and rectifying them , SO WHY BE AFRAID ..

They say , "A person is known for the choices he /she makes " .SO be different , be bold , be crazy, be weird , just be yourself and stand by your ideas and conviction , coz if u aint convinced no one else will be .
Its your faith in yourself that will see you though difficult times , the people around you are just characters of a play who will leave the stage when they finish playing their part ,but its you who has to move forward , the show must go on and there are no two ways about it .
That's really the way it is ........


INSTINCT said...

hey.... nice post there... liked ure thinking.....

kep writing more stuff.. u speak ure heart out very well....

~ Love Amit Noronha

Arun Brahma said...

desperate to be different

paranoia of goin with the flow

and alot of time to compose a post

and the knack of justifying every move you make

i love the sub concious hues of capitalism shmmering in your post

happy bloggin

Lionel Aranha said...

Nice post Karen!
Keep it up!
You have a nice lucid style.
Keep writing

Alisha said...

Heyy!really nice gaaju!!

luv yah..


Unknown said...

hey.... gr8 post huh!!
well done!!!

- Aditya

AG said...

hey gal
u took a few words out of my mouth in this post , i wanted to post abt the same concerning me , but wasnt getting a head start on it, now u definalely have me one
keep posting
btw i have faced same sitations myself ,as for the lipstick gals , thnk god we are not not them

Express said...

The belief that everyone is different makes way for creativity. I agree with most of the things you said here and sure it is thought-provoking.

Nice read

Kunal Mudgal said...

there is no doubt u r different..else we wouldnt be friends..!