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Thursday, February 2, 2012


Many times in life
There are times of strife
We try to understand why
Things are the way they are
It is about money and also about power
About who's the boss and how much dough one can shower
Status and name and claim to fame
Some day will drive us all insane
A disconnect between our wants and our needs
We all are checkers on a board game
But ultimately we are all Human
And we are all the SAME.

Written on 3rd February 2012, Haridwar


Directionless Wanderer said...

this seems to be like a small poem about: disillusionment with a combination of hedonistic individualism and chronic corruption/exploitation .... and yearning for egalitarian and collectivist utopia

Having said that, if all of us were truly the same, then the world would be quite a dull place, wouldn't it?

Sean Morrisroe said...

I like this post a lot. Sergio and I spoke a lot at dinner about how we need so little in life to be happy. Like the women we visited today on consumer visit. They had so little but were so happy and enthusiastic. It was great to see. I love your blog, I have nothing to suggest you improve on, if anything I need your help improving the one I just started!