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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bookmark RULES

Today is a day
Like a reminder in my book
A book mark of sorts that i can come back to
Long after i have turned the page
Reason for this being
I trust blindly
I give - most of the times without expectation
I care with all i can
I fight (sometimes) with all i have
And Life sometimes seems Unfair both in a good way and in a bad way
When i count my blessings, i see others sorrows
When i see my sorrow - i am blind again
I want to see
I want to feel
I want to live
Every emotion
Because  the only way to live is to FEEL EVERYTHING.

RULE # 1: Seeing is not ALWAYS believing
Never blindly believe what you see.

RULE #2: Always follow your heart/ gut feeling
It will never let you down

RULE #3: Be nice to people
The world can do without the unnecessary BS and you never know what someone else might be going through.

RULE# 4: Never Judge
You never know what one is capable of...

RULE#5: Believe
In yourself, in your values and all that you dream.
Believe because you are the only one responsible for yourself.
Believe because you have every right to.
Believe because if you believe it - you can be it.

Lastly, Nothing and absolutely Nothing in Life is Permanent.
Not even Life itself...
All of these have been written time and again by different people but i need this to remind myself of little somethings all the time...

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