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hope you are doing good .

It feels nice to know that you are taking some time out to read my blog .


Sunday, December 29, 2013

NO DOPE better than Hope

It is the end of the Calendar year, well, technically - almost. I do realise i tend to write a lot of things about hope. The only reason for that being, many times in life all you need is a little Pixie dust called BELIEF and HOPE to set things straight with a tinge of PERSPECTIVE.

I had a pretty eventful year - tumultous, stressful (good and bad), exciting. I had quite a few adventures. Luck took me places - Haridwar, Shanghai, Bangkok. Hopefully, 2014 will take me West, East, South and North within and outside the country.

I live in hope, in some dreams that might never come true. But that's not the point. The point is in dreaming, in hoping, in believing - doesn't matter what the outcome is. As long as what's in your heart is pure. It can be anything. A New Year is a great time for new beginnings. While you can start something new on almost any day, a new year seems that much more memorable.

I might fall flat on my face for being naive but i feel like a child today. Almost untouched by the realities of life and fantasies are truth the moment i switch on Disney Channel. Where letters float in the air and we have Ummed wali Dhoop, Sunshine wali Asha!

I live in that world today where Impossible is Nothing and the only thing that can stop me from being what i want to be is me. At the confessional this Christmas - i discussed about how we let petty things get into the way - we give in to gossip, jealously, disrespect and i was told speak your mind without hurting anyone. People form opinions anyway so why bother. There isn't need to be a doormat. Do whatever you do with compassion and i felt at ease. Like as if a nagging thought was let out in the open and i haven't felt lighter.

So this coming year, all words need to be put into action. All thoughts have to be spoken or acted upon. For there is no other way than to show what one is capable of and there is no need to be afraid.
All i need is a little courage with a dollop of hope, added with hard/smart work to ensure the best for everyone!

Happy New Year 2014 :) Have a wonderfully memorable year ahead.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Set Yourself Free.

There comes a time in everyone's life when things always seem to go awry,
No matter what you do,
You may fight tooth and nail
But to no avail.

You are always left wanting more,
And in your misery they shall try and settle scores,
It is not revenge you seek, for not that's for your ultimate goal
Weak you are because you are meek.

Humbleness is not looked up to,
It is for the powerless
The high and mighty shall steal your thunder,
Only to make you sorely Wonder.

What might have been,
Could it have been at all?
Had i taken a different path-
Would i reach where i ought to be?

Then again the times change, just like seasons do,
Things being falling into place
And all you need do is be grateful
You are at your happiest best.
 Knowing it could be fleeting
So sieze the moment to be joyful
and set yourself  free - from the bondage of the mind.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The need to write

I always feel the need to do something. I am restless. I cannot sit staring into oblivion for long. Five seconds of that and i start fidgeting, sometimes i fear i might be suffering from ADHD. At this point after typing ADHD i quickly searched the internet to check if i do have similar symptoms and boy i am surprised. I feel like as if i have all of them.
So well... yeah i do feel the need to write. It is like a breath of fresh air for me.. Like as if writing/ blogging will keep me from choking on my word vomit and this is my personal space where i am free to do so. Without being fined/ judged. Free as a bird to type as i please. No word limit, no nothing. Just a blank page waiting to be decorated with black. Ooops! Blue!

Today was a fantastic day, 13th April. Slept till 11 am, got up, mini breakfast, lunch with a college friend :) followed by dessert and coffee at my favourite Costa (table no. 13), window shopping with mom to wind up buying two silver rings for myself. A Saturday of Pure Uninhibited INDULGENCE that hasn't happened in so long. Especially with the weekend at work or in transit.

Sometimes, writing is a reminder. A log of a break that was well deserved...